Project 1: Son of a Serendipitous Glitch
I became intrigued right off the bat with this project. For one, I have wanted to try generating Ai images for a while now. On top of that, using different coding and audio softwares to edit images was something I had never even thought was possible before. If you give an artist a pencil, they’ll draw a picture, but if you give a digital artist an audio software, they’ll manipulate a picture. The limitless creative opportunities digital artists have today is endlessly exciting to me, indicating the direction in which I wanted to take my project. As an Art History major, I have often wondered what the famous painters of our world would have created if they were alive during the emergence of an alternate art style, mainly to see what they could have made if they had access to the digital technology artists have right at their fingertips today. Going off of this concept, I decided to generate images that brought classical art history motifs into a modern, 21st century style, utilizing vibrant colors and transforming them to better fit my personal art style. As is easily evident with the artworks I have previously created, my personal preference seems to find that the brighter the colors, the more attracted I am to the artwork.
Using a mix of Ai and editing softwares such as photoshop, I was able to materialize my vision of taking the famous styles of the past and throwing them ahead in time, merging the art from our history with the art of the future. With the technological advancements of Ai generating, I have been able to see what Salvador Dali would have created if he were alive in 2023 instead of the 1900’s, and how the surrealists of the 20th century would have visually interpreted recent events such as our successful journeys to space or stories like “Alice in Wonderland." I generated images in the styles of famous artists such as the previously mentioned Salvador Dali, Claude Monet, and Sandro Botticelli, mix-matching their styles of Surrealism, the Early Italian Renaissance, and Futurism to create fresh, unique images. My favorite method of glitching out my images was to utilize Audacity or Pixel sorting to break the images down, and then take them into photoshop to alter them into either a gif, or to reconfigure the colors, giving my artworks a 3-dimensional texture. I feel very happy after the critique of my final images. I had a ton of fun on this assignment, and I definitely see myself using the techniques we have learned while making and breaking Ai to create much more striking art in the future!
