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Project 2 Critique

  1. Maya Haims

  2. I am in a house and I feel like I'm doing mundane everyday activities and slightly bored.

  3. I like the way the sounds flow together, it's very smooth.

  4. I think maybe I’d include some more interesting sounds, it is slightly repetitive and doesn’t provide much to be intrigued about.

  1. Maya Haims

  2. I am somewhere working on a project and I am feeling a little overwhelmed and maybe stressed out.

  3. I think the piece flowed together pretty well overall.

  4. Some of the audio level could maybe be a little more balanced out. The drill was a little too loud at times.

  • Maya Haims

  • I am in a house with my cat and I feel maybe a little bored with life.

  • I really like the music in it, it was a good addition.

  • I think maybe there could be more that tied the piece together or added maybe a sound or feeling that was more intriguing that we could latch onto.

Maya Haims

  • I just finished giving my child a bath and now i'm tired and relaxing

  • I like that I’m kind of torn between feeling like an adult and like a baby, I feel like your piece plays on different human sounds and blurs the lines of what's really going on. I feel like it paints a clear picture but also a really blurry one and I actually really like that.

  • I think some of the sounds could be transitioned a little smoother, some of them are a little jarring when they come in but that also might be the effect you were going for so overall I really like it.

  • Maya Haims

  • I am at my house or workplace getting some work done and I feel like I’m drowning in work.

  • I like the variety of sounds used and how the vibe of the piece sort of changes as you move through it and it becomes more muddied and a little more eerie.

  • I feel like you could maybe add some more effects and improve the transition to the music at the end but overall I really liked it!

  • Maya Haims

  • I am waking up for the day and getting ready somewhat leisurely, just vibin out while I get ready.

  • I really like the use of the subtle music in the background and I can really visualize this person getting ready for the day.

  • I would maybe try to use less recorded sound, it feels like it makes it too easy and obvious as to what's going on and some of the transitions from sound to sound could maybe flow a little better but overall it’s really good, I enjoyed it a lot!

  • Maya Haims

  • I am making sum food, blendin some good stuff up for me and ma cat. I feel very calm.

  • I like that it feels simple in a really good way. It feels very calm like a student making some food, hangin with their cat, and then is on their merry way. I feel like I can picture what’s happening very well.

  • I think it feels simple, which I really like, but then at certain points it's maybe a little too simple and I feel like maybe a little more could be going on towards the end but overall I really liked it. It has a really nice calm vibe to it that I really enjoy.

  • Maya Haims

  • I am somewhere listening to music and talking to people or hearing people talk but I honestly can’t really tell where I am or what I’m feeling. I feel calm and relaxed but maybe also weary of the people around me for some reason.

  • Right off the bat I love the guitar, so far I wish it played for longer. I also like the layering of sounds, there was a lot of dimension to this piece and I really like it. Ayee there's more of the music. I love the addition of the music.

  • I think maybe I would add more consistency. I am slightly confused by the storyline or emotion of the person we are following. Like the creepy baby sounds towards the end just didn’t match the same vibe as the music that played right after it. I am a little confused by it but it was very interesting to listen to I enjoyed it!

1, Maya Haims

2. I am walking outside and I feel pretty calm so far. Just taking a nice stroll.

3. I really like how atmospheric it sounds. It really feels like I'm outside. You painted a very clear picture. You have all the background and foreground noises perfect where it feels like such a full sounding piece. I really love how it actually sounds like you are there with these people, you edited it very well.

4. I would maybe transition some of the different sections together a little smoother, but thats just me being nit picky. I think it really sounds great. You painted a great picture of this person walking about their town.

Maya Haims

  1. I am in my home on a lovely Sunday morning, just getting some stuff done around the house. I feel pretty relaxed.

  2. I like how the sounds flow together. It's very smooth and I can really picture a person walking around their house and doing certain tasks. I love how calming it feels.

  3. There was a pocket of sound missing towards the end that I would maybe just add a little bit to but overall I really liked it, it flowed really well and was consistent.

  1. Maya Haims

  2. I am waking up in the morning to start my day. I am not ready for the day to start as I shower and make coffee.

  3. I like that I can really picture what this person is doing. It also feels very consistent throughout. It keeps the same calm vibe.

  4. I would maybe add some sounds to spots where there might be some silence and blend out the transitions more. I think it would really bring the piece all together but overall I really liked it.

  • Maya Haims

  • I am drawing somewhere outdoors. I feel like I’m a little stressed trying to get a drawing assignment done. I am slightly unsure of what is going on in this piece. To me it feels like a creative person just going about their day walking around outside.

  • I love the inclusion of a guitar and for parts I could visualize what was happening which was good.

  • I would maybe make some of the transitions smoother and add some sound to where there is none, parts feel a little empty but overall it paints a decently clear image of what's going on.

  1. Maya haims

  2. I am in the haunted mansion at Disneyland and I feel spooked. There's fog all around and surrounding my feet.

  3. I really like the spooky vibe you decided to go with. It feels very unique compared to a lot to the other students

  4. I think you maybe could have added some more sounds, maybe something that gives it a good punch, something that stands out. The music is great in the background but it would maybe be nice to hear some more intriguing stuff going on in the foreground. I feel a strong vibe from it but I’m not exactly sure what is going on during the piece.

  1. Maya Haims

  2. I am somewhere very secluded, I feel very calm but also slightly weary of the music in the background and the faucet dripping. It feels like something out of AHS’ Murder House

  3. I like that I feel super intrigued as to what's going to happen next. I love the way you manipulated the sounds like the radio man to repeat stuff for dramatic effect. Your piece definitely stands out against the others.

  4. I would maybe add a wider variety of sounds but I also think the simpleness of it adds to the eeriness of the whole piece. Really great overall!


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