I had a great time with this project. It was challenging to be learning blender as I am creating my creatures, but I definitely think it helped me to understand the functions of the program in a very hands-on way. When we started this project, I was a little lost on what I wanted to make. My plan was to get a small seed of inspiration and over time keep building on it until I can see the direction my creature is going in. This method actually worked very well. After asking around for ideas on creatures I could sculpt from scratch, my mother put out the idea of a 3D heart. At first, I wasn’t immediately intrigued but after thinking about it, I found myself imagining a cute robot waking up out of bed and the little heart guy will jump up and enter his chest. This then led to me making the ‘Human Factory,’ allowing me to continue to build out the story. Although my final artwork is simpler than I had envisioned, with the time we had and the challenge that was the process of learning blender as I was creating limited me in what I was able to sculpt. I personally think I was successful with this project because my main goal was to be able to completely create my robots, heart, table, and building were entirely made from scratch. Knowing I was able to make a scene, no matter how short or simple, with a program I have never used before feels very satisfying and makes me feel proud. I was very happy with my critique, and I agree with statement’s that music would add to it or making it a gif would be beneficial. I am excited to see where iI am able to take my little robo humans next.
Blender Post Critique Blog